Labels:text | screenshot | poster | printing | font OCR: READY FORCE U.S. Navy: Phalanx (6.39) U.S. Navy: Harpoon (1:28) United Nations Invasion [4:40) U.S. Navy: Tomorrow's Leaders (5:11) U.S. Air Force: F-14/Phoenix [2:10) General Dynamics Eloctric Boal [8:12) U.S. Navy: Towahawk 14:36] U.S. Navy: Power Demonstration [7:22) U.S. Military: Weapon Testing [5:05) U.S. Marines: LAVAD H4:07) Video Size About Live Footage of America's most Sophisticated Weaponry in Action! U.S. Navy: Phalanx 16:39) U.S. Navy: Harpoon [1:28) United Nations Invasion [4:40) U.S. Navy Tomoscow's Leaders [5:11] Inside you'll find an incredible multimedia presenta- U.S. Air Force: F-14/Phoenix (2:10) General Dynamics Electric Bloat (8:12] tion of some of America's most sophisticated weapons U.S. Navy: Tomahawk (4:36] U.S. Navy Power Deeranstration (7:22) systems ... in action! Over 45 minutes of now declas- U.S. Hillary: Weapon Texting [5:05] U.S. Marines: LAVAD (4:07] sified footage including an inside look at Video Size About Exit the Harpoon, Tomahawk, Phalanx, and F-14 weapons programs as well as live-action footage of the personal. shelling of Beirut ... An amazing companion 0 WARE tour of the scope and power of our cd-rom modern military arsenal! SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: SUPPORT HOTLINE An IBM® PC running MICROSOFT® WINDOWS™ 3.1, 1-505-523-6200 Personal Companion Software™ WINDOWS™ 95 or better. A CD-ROM drive. P.O. Box 16317, Las Cruces, NM 88004 Personal Companion is a division of SOFSOURCE, Inc. IBM® is a registered trade- mark of IBM® CORPORATION. Other brands and products are trademarks of their respective holders. All disks, software, and accompanying written materials are provided by SOFSOURCE, Inc. "as is" without warranty of any kind. SOFSOURCE, Inc. shall not be responsible for any consequential, special, or punitive damages arising out of use or inability to use this product. SOFSOURCE Inc.'s liability shall be limited solely to a refund of the purchase price. 7 20286 70808